Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On the Road Again

So, I'm just about one month into recovery from my minor foot surgery. I'm feeling better each day, and I desperately need to get back out there. What a difference in my energy and my mood these past 8 weeks while I haven't been running. I have been so tired, and frankly a little bit depressed, by the fact that I haven't been able to keep up with my goal. 

Going into my first run in 2 months this morning, I almost felt as though I would be starting from scratch, building up my cardio, lung capacity, and endurance all over again. Turns out I was right. My first run out was pah-thetic, to say the least. In fact, it wasn't much of a run at all - more of a run-a-little, walk-a-little-so-I-don't-die routine. The saddest part of all: I had been doing my run/walk thing for what seemed like forever and when I looked at my watch I had only gone 1.5 miles. Unreal. Humbling. But 1.5 more miles than I have run in 2 months. :)

The Race for Hope is this Sunday, and I'm nervous. I'm nervous because I am not in the shape I wanted to be for this race. It will be the most meaningful and emotional 3 miles I will run all year (okay, probably miles 363-365 will be right up there too), and I hope I can rise to the occasion. Please send the good vibes my way on Sunday! Thanks everyone! 

Miles run since last post: 5
Miles run total to date: 47
Miles to go: 318