Friday, January 28, 2011

This Weather is SnOw Not Helping...

Okay, I am only a few weeks into this "undertaking" and I am already stressing about my mileage. The cold weather, thundersnow craziness, icy sidewalks, a sore leg, unexpected (and painful) dental procedures, crazy work deadlines -- have brought me humbly to my knees these past few weeks. But you know what, there will always be something trying to get in the way. It's called life.

So, I need to "cowgirl-up" as my dear boot camp coach Laurie would say, pray for rapid melting of the sidewalks, stop making excuses, and get back out there. And while I did not want to count treadmill mileage toward my goal, I might need to start doing so if for nothing else my own mental health, as I am falling further and further behind in the miles department. I am so disappointed to say that I am only 5 miles closer toward my goal since my last mileage post - meaning I still have 353 miles to go. Even Alex, who just learned subtraction with regrouping, can do the math here - and it is not good....

While I despise treadmills more than any other piece of exercise equipment ever invented (I'm a person, not a hamster on a wheel), I will be adding in some treadmill work this week to keep my momentum going in hopes of having better numbers for my next post. And while my January goal of being 30 miles down by the end of the month is as unrealistic as me getting pay raise in the next 2 years, I am looking optimistically ahead to spring and more pleasant running days ahead!

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's the Little Victories

Everyone says that running is mostly mental. I certainly agree with that statement, remembering like it was yesterday how freeing it was to have run my first 3 miles continuously -- knowing, no matter what, that having done it once before, I could do it again. That feeling - of confidence, strength, and accomplishment - is so empowering. It's a feeling that we don't get to experience very often, especially as adults.

So I will tell myself, "Remember this feeling." The feeling I have just after a run where I accomplished more than I set out to do. And I'm not talking about running a marathon here. Just small, personal goals. Maybe I ran a half mile further than I was planning. Or maybe I ran all the way up that really big hill for the first time. You know the one. The one that never seemed nearly as steep when you drove up it in your car, but that now looms before you. Running all the way up that hill. Without walking. These are the little victories - not just in running, but in life. And we all deserve to have that feeling. Don't forget to savor your next victory, whatever it may be.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don't Spit Into the Wind

Dressed as though I was planning to rob a bank, I set out for two short runs this weekend.  I actually LOVE running in colder temperatures. Being out there when it is below freezing makes me feel like a total bada$$.  But the wind, oh the wind. Truly brutal. Thank goodness for my neck gator. It was the one garment I was wearing that made a huge difference, especially today, and my lungs really appreciated not taking in all that cold air.

Now if I could only figure out what I did to my leg... I have a really sharp pain shooting down the front of my left thigh.  I did my best to warm up before today's run, but I must have tweaked something.  Hopefully a day or two of rest and motrin will take care of that and I won't loose momentum. My goal is to log at least 7 miles each week, running every other day and trying to cross train on off-days so I can get stronger and faster. So far I am on schedule and with this weekend's runs complete I now have only 358 miles to go!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Meet my new boyfriend, Garmin

I recently purchased my first sports watch, the Garmin 405cx.  I love, love, love this watch.  It takes all the guesswork out of how long I've run, distance, pace, etc. A standard stop watch was working okay for me too, but then I had to figure out my route and how far I had run (and is great for that).  But frankly, I am way too lazy to record all of that information myself after I've exercised. What's great is all the data automatically downloads straight from the watch to the computer after each use. It was a splurge, but I honestly can't remember the last time I bought something for myself - let alone something that wasn't in the boys section at Target or Old Navy... Seriously - can't all relationships be this easy? I love you Garmin! xoxo.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Here We Go!

So, I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now.  Simply as a creative outlet, to counter my very, very wonderful, but rather uncreative day job.  Another outlet for me is running.  It is the only time in my day when I am doing something completely for myself - and while I am not a fast distance runner by any stretch, I do enjoy it.  If for nothing else the sense of accomplishment I feel afterwards. 

As much as I enjoy it, I need to be goal oriented with everything I do, including running, or it will be too easy to make excuses to myself to not hit the pavement.  So, with the dawning of a new year I decided to try and step it up a notch and run 365 miles in 2011.  For me, this is alot of mileage. 

And then while running today it actually hit me (another thing I love about running - it clears my mind):  Why not start a blog to hold myself accountable for my running?  I am not expecting anyone else to read this but me - and maybe my family but only because they love me - but I really think tracking my goal in black and white for all to (possibly) see will help keep me honest.

Today I ran 3.1 miles, in 40 minutes.  Yes, that is painfully slow... but my goal today was to run this distance continuously, so I ran very slowly.  And you know what?  I felt great afterwards.  Now that I know I can run for 40 minutes continuously, I can work on speed, and hopefully take about 5 minutes off of that time this year as well.

So here it goes - one mom, one year and 365 miles!  3 miles down, 362 to go!