... is running HILLS on a treadmill. Recognizing how loathsome the treadmill is for me, my wonderful friend Lori gave me copies of treadmill workouts to help "mix it up," so to speak. This really did sound like a great idea at the time. Instead of the minutes slowly creeping by, I could change up my speed every few minutes and get some hill action in at the same time! Let's hit the treadmill!
So... let's just say that the workout was "overly ambitious," to put it kindly. The low point was almost falling backwards off the treadmill due to my complete inability to keep up with the pace. It was the kind of torture I don't even think Dick Cheney would approve of. In a vain attempt to salvage the workout I actually tried to decrease the incline of the treadmill to lower than 0% at one point (note to self - in my free time, must invent treadmill that allows you to run downhill). Ten minutes in, I sadly had to pitch the workout so I could at least get in my mileage for the day.
But despite this hate/hate relationship, I did manage to rack up some mileage on the treadmill this week: 9 miles total. The beast that is the treadmill "hill" workout will be something I definitely revisit, though, and will be a good benchmark to see how much stronger I am becoming over the year. So, I'm still off pace, but here's where I am:
Miles remaining at last post: 358
Miles run since last post: 9
Miles run total to date: 16
Miles to go: 349
Can't wait to run outside this weekend!
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