Friday, January 14, 2011

It's the Little Victories

Everyone says that running is mostly mental. I certainly agree with that statement, remembering like it was yesterday how freeing it was to have run my first 3 miles continuously -- knowing, no matter what, that having done it once before, I could do it again. That feeling - of confidence, strength, and accomplishment - is so empowering. It's a feeling that we don't get to experience very often, especially as adults.

So I will tell myself, "Remember this feeling." The feeling I have just after a run where I accomplished more than I set out to do. And I'm not talking about running a marathon here. Just small, personal goals. Maybe I ran a half mile further than I was planning. Or maybe I ran all the way up that really big hill for the first time. You know the one. The one that never seemed nearly as steep when you drove up it in your car, but that now looms before you. Running all the way up that hill. Without walking. These are the little victories - not just in running, but in life. And we all deserve to have that feeling. Don't forget to savor your next victory, whatever it may be.

1 comment:

  1. I love that feeling and that is my motivation to go out and tackle the hard workouts. I know how great I'll feel after and the confidence I'll get to tackle other obstacles that day!!!


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